Beckham credits her own work ethic – and that of her husband – for catapulting her into the upper echelon of the design world, where the former Spice Girl was a fashion plate in her own right before earning global respect for her clothing and product lines. 贝克汉姆夫人夸了她自己以及她丈夫的职业道德&将她送入设计世界的顶端,在那里这位前辣妹在她的服饰和产品线赢得全球尊重之前以她自己的选择成为一个时尚风向标。
Jane tries to be a fashion plate despite her small amount of salary. 简尽管薪水微薄但她还是极力打扮入时。
There was some real falsity when they came to treat the Goddess of Mercy as a fashion plate of the court today. 中国人渐渐把慈悲女神描绘成穿着时髦的宫廷贵妇形象,这可严重走样了。
Site content is out of fashion, plate construction is lagging behind, the updated information in a timely manner. 网站内容陈旧,板块建设滞后,信息更新不及时。